Saturday 18 May 2013


When you start any trip or journey you always collect some information and idea of way of traveling that you have selected to reach your destination. If you don’t know that the route that you have opt to find out you success where it goes then the destination would be difficult to find almost impossible.

Thus always have some work out plan before starting any new thing. Business plan is the most important and first phase starting a new business. Acutely it is the step that is performed before starting the business. However after the business has started the cost that occur on planning is deducted from the profits as research and development cost.  Planning is defined as the road map that leads you towards the success.

Businessplan involves the following heads. Executive summary it includes the overall and the central idea of the business it is very important area and it is generally written after the other steps are fully completed.  If a reader or investor shows his interest in executive summary he would be definitely read the other parts of the plan as well. Market research it is the first step towards the finding out that whether the business that we are going to start is feasible or not. Market research and analysis   involves the complete scope of the business i=and its produced products competitions and possible competitors.

Financial analysis after getting the assurance that the business is feasible the next step is to determine how the basic resource can be acquired to start the business like raw material fixed assets land building etc and for this how the finance can be raise whether through issuing shares of borrowing loan from the bank

Marketing and promotional strategy you have started the business but the general public get to know about it. Thus advertising and marketing strategy is very important especially after the period the media has developed. To choose the right and appropriate method is evitable like through internet, TV, newspaper etc. 

 so these are the basic steps that play a very crucial and important part in forming a solid and reliable business plane. And you be consider these. 


Many people show curiosity when they heard about hypothesis. They show  a very hesitate attitude towards the hypnotist. Mostly people are thought that those who has the ability to hypnotize the other they always misuse their skill like doing sex with young girls and committing crime through other by inducing trance on them.

It could be true up to some extent but not the whole. Basically hypothesis was designed to solve the mental problems of peoples which occur through conflict between conscious and unconscious mind. Conscious mind can be defined as the part of our knowledge which we have clearly remembered and we know what is going on in it. Unconscious mind is that part of our thoughts we are lie underneath to the conscious mind and a man does not know what is going on in it. Here the job of hypnotist start he tries to find out those facts and conflict which in the unconscious mind by inducing trance on the subject and then give some suggestions to the subject that to solve these kinds of conflicts. Hypnosis does not use only for the problem solving purposes it has many other uses as well like magicians use many hypothetical techniques to induce trance on the audience while performing on the stage. Most of the time you observed that magicians speak very loudly and quickly many repeated words and try to capture the attentions of the audience.

What they are actually doing? They actually hypnotizing the audiences by restricting their concentration just on their voice and in that period they make their magical trick. This is not the end  hypothesis is now be used in the field of marketing as well people who are belong to the sale department always use many techniques  to attain the attraction of the customer.

 So after reading this article the misconception about  hypothesis  will be definitely removed from your minds.

Friday 17 May 2013


Basant is a festival which celebrated in the season of spring and in which the show of kite flying is performed and everyone has lots of fun and enjoyment in it.

 But from the last few years the government of Pakistan has banned this festival because causes many deaths due to the use chemical rope which is very dangerous if cut the through the person can be died at the spot. 

There are also many cases reported of deaths sue to falling from roofs. But recently the interim chief mister of Punjab Mr. Najam sethi has announces that the govt is planning to to lift out the ban from the kite flying for almost two days  14th and 15th of April so the people of Punjab can celebrate the festival of basant.

  If you are a Pakistani you will definitely be happy after listening the news and you are desperately weighting fro the day when you will celebrate the basant. Because it was allowed almost after  but a person has filed an application in the hig court requesting to stop the govt the allow basant making the reason that it can be cause of deaths and injuries.

 But I am quite hopeful that this conflict will be solve very soon and we will have a great event for celebration.


In America over weight people almost two third of their population and this number is increasing very quickly. Obesity is   renowned as a disease by all famous medical and health organizations because it is the main route cause of many other fatal diseases like, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes etc. 

fatness  is also shatters your personality and your charm and beauty. How it happened and how we can avoid obesity> in this articles we will make a clear picture of its causes and effects. First we look at the reasons of obesity. An average person needs almost 2000 calories per day to perform his routine work. but if he take excessive amount of fats and sugar  this extra a bulk starts storing under the skin and a person starts gaining weight. 

The kind of food we consume these days is also play a very crucial part in gaining weight. Now people began to use more junkfood for example burger, pizza or other type of packed items. These materials include some kind of preservatives’ that are really dangerous for health. 

Our lifestyle is second major reason for obesity now the life is become very fast and people don’t have time to go out side in the parks and make some exercise and keep themselves fit and healthy. Thus their outside activity is getting lesser and shrieked. Mostly kids prefer stay into the house and play computer games rather then go out and play physical games as in cricket foot ball etc.

 now the question arise here that how we can avoid obesity the answer is very simple just follow some basic tips you can stay away from obesity and keep yourself health for a longer period of time. Avoid junk food and take balance diet.  Wash out the junk food from your life and concentrate to take balance diet which includes all the necessary ingredients like fats carob hydrates and minerals with the ratio of 114.. Sixty minutes ofexercise every day. Strictly follow a schedule of having sixty minutes exercise every day it will help you to burn the extra amount of calories that are exist in your body. 

Young kids are advice to take part in the physical games so their body will get stronger and tough. By following the above mentionthings you can easily get rid from the problem of obesity and live longer.


To achieve success in in your professional life you must be a good communicator. So that you can able to transfer your thoughts and ideas to other and make them understandable for them. Being a professional I always use many tricks and methods that improve my confidence while speaking to few or many people at a time and I feel pleasure right now to share them with you all. 

Thus here are some basic principals that can uplift your speaking qualitiesThink before you speak. Always be aware that where are standing and what type of people around like are they your senior or junior give respect to them and starts your speech with regard to those who organize the ceremony. 

Prepare yourpresentation and revised it number of times. Make rough draft of your presentation discuss it with your organizers and ask them to give their recommendations if necessary and adjust your speech according to that. Use facial expressions and gestures. Body language is equally important it shows how much you confident and how much you prepared for the presentation.

So use your gestures to convey your point of view more efficientlyand effectively. Involve the audience. If the audience is junior then you then you must involve them in to the speech by asking questions and if speech is more dry or technical nature then crack some jocks to lighten up the mood and freshen up. Use simple and clear language. Always try to use simple and clear language that can be easily 

understandable for the audience. Don’t use long and difficult phrases to impress others because sometimes it seems bulky. And your speech with a conclusion soaudience can remember the main points of your presentation.


Many state agents suggest that a good house can be easily sold within the period of about three to four months. If you are veiling to sell your house at a very good price that can fulfill your needs then you must the suggestions and advices that mention in this article. Hopefully after reading this you will be able to sell your house in a very short span oftime.

Make some necessary repair of your house before you make an intention to sell it. Like renewthe paint of both in and outside of the house and also fix any damages like cement vapors etc.

Make your house neat and clean before the buyer has come to visit the spot. If you have lawn then levels the grass and make some necessary changes into the setting of the furniture so that it looks more beautifuland attractive to the buyer because buyer always look towards the house from his convenience and suitable aspect. Thus if the furniture arrangement Appeals him then there are chance that he will pay you a good price..

How the buyer will know that you are willing to sell your house there must be some place where buyer goes and inquire that where he can find options to buy a good house. Yes you got it that is the place of a state agent you must inform any local property dealer that that you want to sell your house and tell him about your selling price then he the agent will be definitely guides you about the current market price. So that can adjust your price on a competitive level that can acceptable for you and for buyer as well.
By following the above mention advices you will surely be able to get a high price of your house.


Hair loss is very big problem that many people are facing these days. If you are one of those you must carefully read this article. I am sure this will definitely help you to reduce hair fall. By following some very simple and basictechniques.

1 avoid taking stress

In the fast pace life where every thing is become very quick and every one is in a hurry to meet the challenges of life.  More work load and other tensions create stress on human mind. And this is a very big reason of hair loss. To avoid this you need to learn some stress coping techniques like yoga and other psychologicalmethods and for this you must consult to any psychologists’. Be calm and always make a positive approach towards life.

2 do some exercise

Exercise is very important to keep yourself healthy and fit throughout you life. It is just like your current account until you continue it it will give you benefit and when you stop it the edge will be gone. So sixty minutes exercise every say makes you fit smart and a successfulman. Exercise also prevents you from stress a thirty minute morning walk will make happy and fresh throughout the day.

3 take balance dint

Food is just like petrol for human body. A balance diet means that you must take all the ingredients in your daily routine like fats, minerals,carbohydrates etc. like body hair also need some fibers which they get from the body and I you does not provide them the results could be horrible and you hair can starts falling at early age this can have real damage to your personality.


The filed of behavioral finance is a field where human psychology is analyzed. Through the theories and concepts of behavioral finance it is attempted to measure the impact of human emotions on the investment decisions.

 In the old and classical concepts of finance the main focus was on the statistical factors and there is no room for the psychological aspects. But after the introduction of the behavioralfinance the peoples started to get curious about it and they try to interpret the human behavior in different way. Now its easy for them to get answers of rapid trading and irrational decision making. The main objective of this study to understand the behavioral finance, and try to examine the perception of Pakistani investor about this field.

 After a detailed analysis of the previous work a comprehensive questionnaire is prepare to collect data from the individual and institutional investors. Three main factors are select for this study overconfidence, over confirmation and the last one is the self control. And try to examine there impact on the human perception. After the test, it was found that there is a positive relation ship exists between the investor perception with overconfidence and over confirmation. Because, it leads to increase the trading volume. And there is negative relationship existing between the investor perception and the self control because it slows down the trading activity. However the perception of Pakistani investor towards interpreting the market events is still not change. 

The major reason for that the lack of education and knowledge and return on investments are still at the same levels. But on the other hand the developed nations are implementing the theories of behavioral finance very effectively and getting the higher rate of returns on their investments. By better predicting the market movements. 

Thus we should also encourage this field to meet the modern finance requirements


Aging is a natural phenomena you cannot do any thing with this. Still there is no such device or any method has been discovered that can be able to stop the fast growing age or reverse it. As the man is young he does not care about his old age. He is active and he is enjoying his lifeBut, when he crosses the age of forty years the signs of aging starts to be shown like, skin dullness. Pain in bones etc.

 mostly women are more curios about skin and face beauty that’s what they are going to adopt many harmful methods such as surgery or using some weight losing medicine that can very dangerous for the health.

However aging is going to stop anyway but we can delay it to influence our lives by changing our life style. A human being can makehimself healthy and fit for a longer time period by keeping himself happy and satisfy. 

Most people feel jealous by seeing other growing in their careers obviously this is not going to heart them but it can be really damage your health internally. Because when you feel unhappy from the bottom of your heart, the food you take is not properly utilized and your body stops growing and signs of aging starts to appear.

This problem be easily overcome by mind your own business and avoiding to interfere in other’s meters and make regularly exercise.

 If you adopt these things surely you will be young for a longer period of time.